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Working from home in the COVID-19 times

10th April, 2020

The COVID-19 has proved to be a black swan event that none of us are prepared for. While this is sad, and it has changed the way we interact and live; this blog post is to help software professionals who have the luxury of working from home during these times.

I have put together these tips:

  1. Get a proper workspace, this could be a standing desk or traditional desk. Assuming you already have a laptop and mouse, it might be a good time to invest in a monitor and head phones. This will definetly help in the long run.
  2. Try to keep up with the usual work routine. Get up early like you would on a normal working day and do the regular activities whatever that might be say exercising, bathing, preparing food, dress properly etc...
  3. Make sure you have a water bottle with water to get you through the day.
  4. Swap your ride to work time with learning a new skill or technology that you had always wanted to learn. There are heaps of websites which have made their learning materials free now. Make the best use of it.
  5. There is a common tendency to work more while working from home so don't forget to take proper lunch break and finish the day like you would normally. A simple alarm in the phone/clock will do the trick.
  6. This is a good time to bond with friends and family and this could be just replacing the usual interaction with voice and video calls. You can never do too much of this.

As they say, change is the only constant thing and this too shall pass! Stay home and stay safe!

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